(Commentaire sous forme de note Flex User Group 11/11/1997 19:25:53 This document has been created on behalf of the FLEX User Group to keep FLEX Alive. Many thanks to the copyright holder of this manual for releasing the copyright to the Flex User Group.) COPYRIGHT C 1979 by Technical Systems Consultants, Inc. 111 Providence Road Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 All Rights Reserved COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This entire manual is provided for the personal use and enjoyment of the purchaser. Its contents are copyrighted by Technical Systems Consultants, Inc., and reproduction, in whole or in part, by any means is prohibited. Use of this program, or any part thereof, for any purpose other than single end use by the purchaser is prohibited. DISCLAIMER The supplied software is intended for use only as described in this manual. Use of undocumented features or parameters may cause unpredictable results for which Technical Systems Consultants, Inc. cannot assume responsibility. Although every effort has been made to make the supplied software and its documentation as accurate and functional as possible, Technical Systems Consultants, Inc. will not assume responsibility for any damages incurred or generated by such material. Technical Systems Consultants, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in such material at any time without notice. Table of Contents 1. Debug Tutorial 1 I. Introduction 1 II. The Simulated Computer 1 III. Whats in Memory? 3 IV. Simulating the Program 6 V. Breakpointing the Program 7 VI. Advanced Breakpoints 9 VII. Protect Your Memory 11 VIII. Trapping Those Bugs 13 IX. And There is Still More! 14 2. Command Descriptions 15 I. Introduction 15 II. General System Control 15 III. Memory Commands 20 IV. Simulation Control 22 V. Breakpoints 25 VI. Memory Protection 29 VII. Execution Traps 30 VIII. Interrupt Control 32 3. Command Summary 35 4. Message Descriptions 37 5. Getting Debug Running 39 6. Example of Use 41 I. Sample Program Source 41 II. Sample Debug Session 42 7. Adapting to Your System 47 I. I/0 References 47 II. I/0 Related Storage 47 III. Stack Pointer References 48 IV. Interrupt Vectors 48 V. Saving the Altered Program 48 - iii Preface The TSC 6809 Debug Package is a powerful tool for assembler language program debugging. It offers the power and flexibility of an expensive hardware emulator at only a very small fraction of the cost! Used with care, this package will save many hours when debugging programs. It is recommended that the entire user’s manual be read before attempting any serious debugging. The ’Tutorial’ is written to provide a fairly complete introduction to the Debug Package, while the ’Command Descriptions’ is a complete and concise description of all Debug features and commands. Consult ’Getting Debug Running’ for details on how to get the program started. Working through the example given in ’Example of Use’ is a good place to start once the manual has been read. - iv Debug Tutorial I. Introduction Program debugging is usually thought of as work. It should be thought of as an art. There is no reason for a lot of crying while attempting to make a new program do what was intended. This is only true, however, if the program was designed with some forethought and planning. Computer programs are executed in a logical, step by step, fashion. This is the approach both program writing AND debugging should take. So many times a programmer will spend hundreds of hours, carefully planning the flow of a new program but spend only a few minutes thought on a debugging approach. The debugging is usually attempted in some haphazard, keep your fingers crossed, method. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not, but in most cases, valuable time is wasted. By using a debugging tool and by using some logical thinking, program debugging can become very straight forward and sometimes even fun! The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce the reader to the capabilities of the TSC 6809 Debug Package and offer some suggestions on how to tackle those program bugs. The following sections give a more detailed description of its capabilities. II. The Simulated Computer The TSC 6809 Debug Package is more than the name may imply. It is, in fact, a complete 6809 simulator. A computer simulator is a program which when run, behaves exactly like the computer it is simulating. Given 6809 machine language, the simulator will perform the instructions as does the actual 6809 CPU. There are two major differences, one being an advantage, the second.being a disadvantage. First for the good news. The simulator has the ability to keep close account of all internal actions. For example, any illegal opcodes are quickly detected and reported. Such things as stack overflow and underflow are also easily checked. Any byte of memory may have an assigned protection type such as write protection. General conditions may also be spotted such as the occurrence of a transfer of address type instruction. Overall, the simulator can keep close watch over the executing program and detect any peculiarities. This all sounds great, but as stated before, there is a disadvantage in the simulator, namely speed. The simulated program runs somewhere between 200 and 300 times slower than a real 6809 CPU. This means that real-time dependent code may not be simulated. This is not a serious drawback since less than one-percent of all computer programs are real time dependent. - 1 TSC 6809 Debug Package The 6809 simulator incorporated in the TSC 6809 Debug Package supports all of the 6809 instructions. All of the user registers are also provided (CC, A, B, DP, X, Y, U, S, and PC). To examine the contents of these registers it is only necessary to type R followed by a carriage return. This is assuming the Debug Package is ready to work indicated by the two asterisk prompt ("**"). Typing the R command will cause the debugger to display a line containing all register names followed by their contents in hex. At the end of the line is the instruction to which the program counter (P-register) currently points, and it is displayed in disassembled form (standard Motorola mnemonics). A nonstandard register is also displayed, the N register. This register’s value represents the subroutine nest depth. Each time a subroutine is called, an interrupt occurs, or the program counter is pushed on to the system stack, its value is incremented; and each time a return from subroutine or return from interrupt is executed, or the program counter is pulled from the system stack, its value is decremented. The content of any of the displayed registers may also be set by using the SET command. For example: **SET,P=100,A=F3 will set the value of the PC to hex 100 and the value of the A register to hex F3. There are several other registers and states of the simulated machine. These can be viewed by typing MACH. The items displayed with this command are primarily the states of various traps which will be described a little later. There are several other internal machine variables which may be easily examined. One of these is the content of the system stack. Typing STACK will display the top several bytes of the system stack. If more stack content is desired, simply type the number of items desired after the command. **STACK,15 This will display the top 15 bytes of the stack. Note that a comma was used as a separator in the command line. It will be used in all examples in this manual but a space is also acceptable and sometimes easier to type. Another command which references the stack is the RET command. This will print the top two bytes of the stack as an address and represents the return address if currently in a subroutine. The simulated machine always keeps track of where it has been and how much time was spent there. The machine "states counter" is used to tally the total number of machine states or cycles used so far by the executing program. Each 6809 instruction requires a certain number of machine cycles to execute. If the CPU is running at 1 megahertz, each machine state is equivalent to 1 microsecond. The machine states counter is capable of counting up to 99,999,999 cycles, or roughly 99.99 seconds of actual program execution time. This counter is useful for determining the exact execution time of a routine. - 2 TSC 6809 Debug Package The TRAIL command will print the address of the last transfer type instruction. A transfer of address instruction is one which causes the CPU to change its normal course of instruction execution. Normally instructions are executed in a sequential fashion, stepping through memory sequentially. A JMP instruction for example will cause the next instruction to be fetched from the address specified in the instruction, rather than from the next sequential address. In ffect, we have a transfer of address. The TRAIL command will print the location of the last transfer type instruction that was executed. This is very handy in determining what caused a program to end up in memory where it did. The simulated machine is capable of running in two different modes. These are referenced as mode 1 and mode 0. In mode 1 (the default mode), all checking and bookkeeping is performed. In mode 0, several of the features are turned off in order to improve the speed performance of the simulator. It is recommended that mode 1 always be used since it does the most work for you and will catch more errors. III. Whats in Memory? Now that the simulated CPU has been described we need to look at memory. The TSC 6809 Debug Package offers several ways of examining the contents of memory locations, as well as altering them. The simplest form is the MEM command, or M for short. Typing M followed by an address will display that byte of memory. For example: **M,100 100 CE shows that memory location hex 100 contains a hex CE. At this time several choices are at hand. If all you wanted to do was check the contents of location 100, simply type a carriage return and the debug prompt will be issued. If you want to change the contents of 100, simply type the new value followed by a "space". The "space" tells the debugger that the new value is ready to be entered. It is only necessary to type the significant digits of the new value to be entered. For example, if 6 was to be entered, simply type 6 followed by a space. It should be noted that only the last two digits will be used so if "C23A" is typed, "3A" will get entered. If zero is to be entered, simply type a space. After the new value is entered, the next sequential memory location will be displayed. Any time a non-hex character is typed (with the exception of space), one of two actions will occur. First if the character is a "line feed", the previous location will be displayed, with the current location left unchanged. If the character is any other hon-hex character, the next location will be displayed leaving the current location unchanged. An example will clarify the M command’s use. **M,100 0100 CE 0101 3A 46 0102 4D Location $100 was left unaltered, while location $101 was changed from a - 3 TSC 6809 Debug Package $3A to $46. Finally this mode was terminated on the next line by typing a return. Many times while debugging it is desirable to examine a large block of memory. The DUMP command is used for exactly that. This command will display 16 lines of data, 16 bytes per line, for a specified memory region. Each byte is displayed as a hex value as well as its ASCII equivalent. All control characters (those bytes having a value less than 20 hex) are displayed as an underscore character "_". To display 256 bytes starting at memory location $1000, the following command should be typed: **DUMP,1000 At the end of the dumped block, the program will stop and wait for a character to be typed. Typing an "F" will move forward in memory, printing the next sequential 256 bytes. In this example, typing an F would display the block starting at $1100. It is also possible to display the previous block of 256 bytes by typing a "B", for backward movement. A carriage return will cause the debugger to regain control and the prompt will be issued. Any other characters will be ignored. It should be noted that any time the debugger is displaying data on the terminal, the display may be stopped at the end of the line by typing an "escape" character. Once stopped, another "escape" will resume the display, while a "return" will give control back to the debugger. Another useful memory interrogation command is the FIND command which is used to find a specific string of bytes or characters in a selected block of memory. As an example, suppose there was a jump to subroutine instruction somewhere in your program. It is known that the code is BD 34 00, and that it is somewhere between locations $100 and $300. following command line will find it. The **FIND,100,300,BD,34,00 This tells the debugger to look between memory locations hex 100 and 300 for the hex string "BD3400". All memory locations which contain this string will be displayed on the terminal. It is also possible to search for an ASCII string. Suppose it was necessary to find the character string "ERROR 3" in memory. It should be somewhere between locations $200 and $1000. This can be done in the following way: **FIND,200,1000,"ERROR 3 The double quote character tells the FIND command that the following characters are to be considered ASCII characters instead of hex. Otherwise the command works as described above. - 4 TSC 6809 Debug Package So far the memory commands described have been oriented toward hex and ASCII values. Many times during debugging it is necessary to decode these hex values into assembler language instructions. The DIS command does exactly that! This command is a complete program disassembler which allows the user to examine the contents of memory in a higher level form. Each memory location in a specified block will be printed as address, followed by the opcode mnemonic and addressing mode. Standard Motorola mnemonics and addressing mode designators are used. (Exceptions are the PSHS, PSHU, PULS, and PULU instructions which are display as immediate mode instructions to save space on the line during tracing.) To use the disassembler, simply type the command name (DIS), followed by two address boundaries. For example, to disassemble the memory range between locations 100 and 108, type the following. **DIS,100,108 0100 LDA $32 0102 STA $0240 0105 BNE $0121 0107 DECA 0108 STA [$2,X] Remember that at any time the display is being produced, the "escape" key may be typed to temporarily halt the output. Some instructions have two legitimate symbolic mnemonics, namely: LSL/ASL, BCS/BLO, LBCS/LBLO, BCC/BHS, LBCC/LBHS. With these intructions, the first of each of the above pairs is the mnemonic displayed by the disassembler. Now that we can examine memory in a higher level form it would be nice if we could alter it in the same way, that is, using assembler language mnemonics. The ASM command does exactly that! It acts as a line at a time assembler, allowing standard mnemonics and addressing modes to be typed, while the corresponding hex values are automatically inserted into memory. To start this process simply type the command name (ASM) followed by the address where the code should be placed. The debugger will respond by printing the address of the location specified followed by a space. At this time, simply type the desired instructions, following each with a carriage return. The next available address will then be printed and assembly can continue. Typing a carriage return in response to the address prompt will exit this mode of operation. To show the workings of this command, some code will be assembled at location $200. **ASM,200 0200 LDA #10 0202 LDB $10 0204 PSHS A,B 0206 LDA #’M 0208 STA 0,X+ 020A LBRA $3000 020D Note that numeric values are interpreted as decimal unless preceded by a dollar sign ($) to designate hex. It is also possible to enter an ASCII - 5 TSC 6809 Debug Package constant by,preceding it with a single quote (’). IV. Simulating the Program Program simulation is very simple. If the test program starts at $100, simply type START,100 to start the simulation process. The program will run exactly as the CPU would run it, just slower. The START command clears several of the machine conditions such as the states counter. To start a program where it left off, the GO command can be used. This will cause the program to start execution at the location to which the program counter (P-register) points. No states will be cleared. A very valuable feature of the simulator is the "trace mode". When trace is enabled, a register dump (exactly like that produced by the R command) will be displayed after each instruction is executed. The simulation may be temporarily halted by typing an "escape" character anytime during the tracing operation. The simulation may also be stopped by typing a "control C". This will cause the debug prompt to be reissued. To enable the trace mode use the TRACE command. **TRACE=10 This line will cause the debugger to trace all instructions which are in a subroutine nest level of 9 or lower. The number in the command line specifies the nest level where tracing should be disabled. This allows only the outermost program structure to be traced if desired, while the deeper subroutines will be simulated without the tracing. To disable the trace, use a count of zero (e.g. TRACE=0). There are several other methods of starting program simulation. One is the SIM command. This command will allow the simulation of a specified number of instructions. Tracing is disabled during the execution of this command. **SIM,100 This line will cause 100 instructions to be simulated starting at the address to which the program counter points. The TSIM command is identical to the SIM command except trace is automatically set to 255 during the execution of the command. It is often desirable to step through the execution of a program, one instruction at a time. The STEP command will start simulation at the instruction to which the program counter points, execute a specified number of instructions, print a register dump, and then wait for input. At this time, a space will repeat the process, while a return will return control back to the debugger. The usual method of operation is "single" step which will execute one instruction, then dump the registers. This mode can be entered by: - 6 TSC 6809 Debug Package **STEP Multiple instructions can be executed between register dumps by specifying a count. For example; **STEP,25 will cause 25 instructions to be simulated at a time. The step mode is a very powerful method for closely following the flow of a program. During program execution, the simulator keeps track of the last 256 instructions executed. If a program ever goes off on its own, ending up in memory where it should not, the PAST command can be used to examine the instructions executed to get it there. Typing the command, **PAST,20 will display the addresses and mnemonic instructions of the last 20 opcodes executed. V. Breakpointing the Program So far, methods have been described which allow all or a certain number of instructions to be simulated. Most of the time, the number of instructions to a certain point in the program is not known. It would be helpful if a break in the program simulation could be specified to take place at a particular point in the program, or in other words, breakpoints. A breakpoint is a mechanism for stopping the execution at a specified address in the program. As an example, to set a breakpoint at location $23A, use the following command. **B@23A As the program executes, any time location $23A is reached, simulation will stop and the registers will be dumped to the terminal. After the program has stopped, typing a "G" will restart execution, starting at address $23A (the breakpoint will be temporarily ignored). It should be noted that the method used to create the breakpoint does not alter the contents of memory in any way. This means that after setting a breakpoint, the contents of memory at the breakpoint location will be unchanged. This allows breakpoints to be set in ROM as well as RAM! In the above example, the breakpoint caused two actions to take place. One was printing the registers, the other was stopping program simulation. These actions are the ones performed by most debugging systems. The TSC 6809 Debug Package allows six other actions to be performed upon the execution of a breakpoint. A list of all 8 possible actions follow: - 7 TSC 6809 Debug Package 1. R...Print register contents 2. T...Enable the trace function 3. U...Disable trace (untrace) 4. Z...Zero the states counter 5. H...Histogram counter 6. M...Print a message 7. J...Jump to specified address 8. S...Stop simulation The first breakpoint example shown defaulted to R and S type actions since none were specified. The Z action zeroes the machine states counter. This is useful for program timing. For an example, the states counter may be zeroed upon entry to a subroutine and a stop type breakpoint set at the exit point of the routine. By using the STATES command after the program stops, the exact number of executed machine states for that routine will be displayed. The T and U actions allow the trace mode to be enabled and disabled at selected points in a program. When enabled, trace will be set to level 255. Many times, tracing is only desired during one routine or selected portion of the program. These actions will permit this sort of program tracing. A few examples will demonstrate action type breakpoints. **B,RZ@1000 **B,T@A16 The first command will set a breakpoint at location hex 1000 which when executed will print the registers and zero the states counter. The program will then continue since a stop (S) action was not.specified. The second example will cause trace to be turned on at location hex A16. Another action is the histogram (H). A histogram counter counts the number of times the instruction at that address has been executed. This is useful for determining "hot spots" or sections of programs which are executed very frequently. By setting a histogram breakpoint at the first instruction of each subroutine in a program, it is possible to find out exactly how many times each routine was called. As an example, suppose there were three subroutines in a program, and they were located at $100, $123, and $1A0. To set histogram counters at these locations, type the following commands: **B,H@100 **B,H@123 **B,H@1A0 After simulating the program, typing HIST will display the totals of the counters at each address. This command is used to examine the histogram counters at any time. The CLH command is used to clear the histogram counters. **CLH,100 **CLH The first command will clear (set to zero) the value of the histogram - 8 TSC 6809 Debug Package counter at location 100. The second command will zero all of the counters. The histogram commands allow a very complete profiling of a program, letting the user "fine tune" it for maximum speed. The remaining two action codes are special purpose. One permits a selected message to be printed as the action, the second allows transfer of control to a specified address (like a JMP instruction). **B,M@325,SUB 1 **B,J@27C,1000 The first line will print the message "SUB 1" each time the instruction at $325 is executed. The second command will cause the instruction at address hex 1000 to be the next instruction executed. The instruction at 27C will not be executed! Any combination of action codes may be listed for a breakpoint. They are executed in the order they appear in the above list. For example, **B,TRZ@300 will cause the registers to be displayed (R), trace to be enabled (T), and the states counter to be zeroed (Z), in that order. This ordering may be important, for in the actions "RSJ", the stop (S) will never get executed since the J transfers control to another address. The M, J, and H type of breakpoints are mutually exclusive. Only one of these may appear in any one breakpoint statement. VI. Advanced Breakpoints Programs containing loops or recursion are often difficult to breakpoint since one particular section of code may be called thousands, or even millions of times. As an example, suppose there is a loop in the program being debugged, and it is necessary to examine the contents of the X register after the 600th time through the loop. One way is to set a breakpoint at the desired instruction and start the program simulating. Every time the program halts at the breakpoint, type G to restart it. Repeat this process 600 times and you can examine X. This is very time-consuming. The TSC 6809 Debug Package allows a pass counter to be associated with a breakpoint. This count determines how many times the instruction at the address of the breakpoint should be executed before the actions specified should be performed. In the above example, assuming the instruction to be breakpointed is at address 300, the following will do exactly what we want. **B@300,>600 or **B,SR@300,>600 Both commands are identical since the first defaults to SR actions. The ">" is the pass count modifier and should be read as "after". The result of this command is to stop and print the registers on the instruction at location 300, after 600 times through it. Once the count reaches 600 (or - 9 TSC 6809 Debug Package whatever value was set), the breakpoint actions will always occur. A second similar type of pass count uses a "<" for a modifier and should be read as "before". This is used to create a temporary breakpoint. **B,R@300,<100 This command will set up a breakpoint at 300 which will print the registers for the first 100 times through. After the 100th time, the breakpoint will be cleared and no longer function. In summary, the pass count value associated w ith a breakpoint is decremented each time the instruction at the specified address is executed. If the modifier is a ">", no actions will be performed until "after" the count has reached zero. With the "<" modifier, actions are only performed "before" the count reaches zero, and once it is zero, the breakpoint is cleared. In the above example it was decided that the program should be stopped after 600 times through the loop. While debugging loops, it is not always possible to determine an exact number of times to execute the loop before it should be stopped. Often it is desirable to stop on a certain condition, such as the contents of a register or the state of a particular memory location. Conditional expressions are allowed in breakpoint definitions and provide a great deal of power. The conditional can be determined on the contents of a selected register (CC, A, B, DP, X, Y, U, S, N, or P) being equal (or not equal) to a specified value. A particular memory location may also be tested for zero or not zero. Following are a few examples. **B@1000,IF A=3F **B,R@320,IF B!=10 **B,T@6A7,IF $20=0 The "IF" statement designates the conditional part of the breakpoint definition. The first example will stop and print the registers at location hex 1000 but only when the value in the A accumulator is hex 3F. The second example will print the registers at 320 only if the contents of the B register is not hex 10 ("!=" is to be read as "not equals"). The last example will enable the trace mode at location 6A7 if the contents of memory location hex 20 is zero. The dollar sign "$" is used to designate a memory reference and not a hex value (the value is always interpreted as hex). The value on the right of the equals sign must always be zero when a memory reference has been designated. The above breakpoint features may be combined in a variety of ways to produce a large variety of breakpoint combinations. As an example: **B,TZ@1000,>100,IF X=100 will cause trace to be enabled and the states counter to be zeroed, after executing the instruction at hex 1000, 100 times, but then only if the value of the index register is $100. It should be noted that the H, M, and J action codes will not allow a conditional expression as part of the breakpoint definition. - 10 TSC 6809 Debug Package Once breakpoints are set it is possible to examine the location of them as well as remove them. To check the locations of breakpoints, use the BP command. **RP **BP,100 **BP,100-500 The first line will print the location of all breakpoints, each one followed by a list of its action codes. No pass counts or conditionals are displayed. The second example will display the action codes of the breakpoint at location hex 100 (if one exists). The last command line will display all breakpoints between location 100 and 500, inclusive. The CLB command is similar in syntax but is used to clear or remove a breakpoint. CLB by itself will clear all breakpoints. If it is followed by an address, the breakpoint at that address will be removed. If two addresses are specified, then all breakpoints in their range will be cleared, While debugging very large programs, it may become quite time consuming to simulate the program up to a desired address. For example, a program which requires a minute to execute in real time may require over an hour if simulated. To get around this problem, it is possible to set a "real time" breakpoint. This is entirely different from the previously described breakpoints in that it does modify the contents of memory (by substituting a JMP instruction) and no pass counting or conditionals are permitted. The only action performed is to stop and print the registers. An example of use follows: **RT,5A00 This command will cause the CPU to start executing the program (NOT the simulator) at the current address of the program counter. When the program reaches the specified address (5A00), the program will stop, print the registers, and restore the contents of RAM at that location (remove the breakpoint). Since the program is being executed in real time and not being simulated, no other breakpoints, illegal condition checking, states counting, or record keeping is performed. This type of execution is not recommended for this reason and should only be used where the simulation time gets tremendously long. VII. Protect Your Memory Perhaps the most aggravating aspect of program debugging is having your program destroy itself in memory. Too many times, programs "run away", writing garbage in memory, usually exactly where it is not wanted. In these instances, it would be nice to be able to "write protect" memory, or at least certain portions of it. The TSC 6809 Debug Package will allow exactly that! In fact, any section of memory, right down to a single byte, may be write, execute, memory, or simulate protected! Write protecting memory will prohibit any stores or writes into it. Execute protection prohibits opcodes froin being fetched from memory. In other words, the program counter (PC) will not be permitted to point to a - 11 TSC 6809 Debug Package location of memory which is execute protected. Memory protect is a brute force type of protection. By memory protecting a region, you are in effect saying that no memory exists in this region and that nothing should be allowed to reference it in any way. Any memory referenced in conflict with its protection will cause the simulation to stop and an appropriate message will be printed. Finally, simulate protection is slightly different from the rest. It is used to tell the simulator to execute any code in a simulate protected region in real time, or in other words, not simulated. A restriction requires the code in a simulate protected region to be called as a subroutine (JSR, LBSR, or BSR) from the non-simulate protected code. This is very convenient for I/O operations. All I/O routines can be simulate protected (such as terminal and disk routines) allowing them to be executed by the CPU (real time) and not the simulator. It is often convenient to simulate protect the entire region of memory containing the monitor and/or operating system since this code is known functional. Keep in mind that code in simulate protected memory may only be accessed via a subroutine call. The command used to set protection is PROT. A few examples will demonstrate its use. **PROT,100-3FF,X **PROT,2E0,W **PROT,500-6FF,M,1200-1FFF,W The first example will execute (X) protect the memory between locations $100 and $3FF. The second line write protects (W) location $2E0. The last example will memory protect (M) locations $500 through $6FF and write protect $1200 through $1FFF. There are some guidelines to follow when protecting memory. Memory protection should be used on all sections of memory not referenced or used by the program being debugged, especially, the area of memory containing the Debug Package. This will keep a runaway program from clobbering something it should not. Sections of memory which are used for register storage or flags should be execute protected. Memory containing the actual program code should be write protected for obvious reasons. Finally, as mentioned above, the memory locations where the monitor and/or operating system reside should be simulate protected. Once the protection has been defined it may be checked by using the BOUNDS command. This command will allow the examination of the boundaries of each type of protection. Either all types or selected ones may be displayed. **BOUNDS **BOUNDS,W,M The first example will display all types while the second will show only the defined boundaries for write and memory protection. Memory protection can be cleared in a similar fashion. **CLP **CLP,X,W The first command will clear all protection while the second will only - 12 TSC 6809 Debug Package clear the defined execute and write protected regions. VIII. Trapping Those Bugs The previously described breakpointing feature allows programs to be stopped at specific locations and on specific conditions. It is often desirable to "trap" a program on some general condition such as every time a transfer of address instruction is encountered. The memory protection described above is a form of trap in that the program will stop if a protection violation is detected (e.g. writing into write protected memory). There is address information associated with this protection which makes it different from the general traps available in the Debug Package. The general traps cause programs to stop on a general condition which is not address dependent. One of these traps is the illegal opcode trap which is always enabled. Any time an illegal opcode is encountered during the course of program simulation, the program will stop and report its occurrence. A second, always enabled trap will stop the program if an RTS instruction is encountered and the current nest level is 0. There are several user controlled traps which may be enabled and disabled at will. The transfer trap is enabled with the XFR command. When enabled, the program will stop each time a transfer of address is encountered. These instructions are JMP, LBRA, BRA, and all conditional branches such as BCC. The subroutine calls and returns are not trapped out. **XFR=ON **XFR=OFF These two commands will enable and disable this trap respectively. Once a program has stopped because of a transfer trap, typing G will restart it, allowing the current transfer to be executed. This is very useful for quickly following the major flow of a program. Another one of the general traps allows halting the program if the subroutine nest counts reaches a specified level. **NEST=20 This will cause a trap if the nest level ever reaches 20. To disable the nest trap, use NEST=0. The last general trap to be discussed is the ITRAP. This command allows activation of the interrupt trap and will cause the simulating program to stop if an interrupt type instruction is encountered (SWI, SWI2, SWI3, RTI, SYNC, and CWAI). Since these instructions are not used in the majority of programs it is a good idea to use this feature. An example will demonstrate its use. - 13 TSC 6809 Debug Package **ITRAP=ON **ITRAP=OFF These two commands will enable and disable the interrupt trap respectively. IX. And There is Still More! There are still many undescribed features of the TSC 6809 Debug Package. One of these is the handy little CALC command which acts as a hex calculator. Typing CALC followed by a return will cause the debugger to output an equals sign (=) for a prompt. At this time hex and decimal addition and subtraction may be performed. To add two numbers simply type them in separated by a plus sign. If the number is hex, precede it with a dollar sign, otherwise the debugger will interpret it as decimal. Use a minus sign for subtraction. It is also possible to do base conversions. This can be accomplished by entering just one number after the prompt (hex or decimal) followed by a return. All answers are displayed in both hex and decimal. An example follows. **CALC =$1A+10-1 $0023 35 =256 $0100 256 = After entering the calculator mode, the numbers hex 1A and decimal 10 were added and then 1 subtracted to give the result hex 23 or decimal 35. The second entry is a base conversion of the decimal number 256. The result shows its hex equivalent is $100. The calculator mode is terminated by typing a return in response to the prompt. There are still many other features in the Debug Package, such as interrupt simulation, which have not been described. It is not the intention of this tutorial to teach all there is to know about the debugger, but to teach enough to make the user feel comfortable with the majority of its features. Once the material in this section is thoroughly understood, the following detailed command description should be studied in depth. Now that the basic mechanics of the Debug Package are understood they should be put to good use. Keep in mind that a logical and planned approach should be taken when debugging a program. Use the available tools such as memory protection and breakpoints. When first starting the debug process on a new program, start at the beginning, working your way through the flow of the program. Let the program be the guide. If you pay close attention, it will definitely point out the bugs. Above all, have patience. Great bugs are not killed overnight! - 14 TSC 6809 Debug Package Command Descriptions I. Introduction This section of the manual contains a detailed description of each Debug command. Each command is shown with a few examples. The syntax definitions show optional items in square brackets ([]). All command parameters are shown separated by commas for clarity in the syntax definitions and examples. Any place a comma is shown, a space may also be used. The following definitions apply throughout this document: ITEM MEANING
1-4 digit hex value decimal number (max = 255) decimal number (max = 65,000) The Debug Package is ready to accept a command anytime the "**" prompt is present on the line. When typing commands, a "control H" will cause a backspace, and delete the last character typed. A "control X" will cause the entire line to be deleted and a new prompt of "??" will be output to show the deletion of the line. Any time text is being output to the terminal, display may be stopped at the end of a line by typing an "escape" character. Once stopped, another "escape" will restart the output while a "return" will give control back to the debugger and the "**" prompt will be output. II. General System Control The general system control commands allow a variety of general actions to be performed. Register examination and changing is supported by use of the REG and SET commands. The status of several machine control registers can be obtained through the MACH command. Commands to view the stack contents, set simulation speed, reset machine parameters, enter a calculator mode, examine the " machine states counter", and exit the debugger are all described in this section. C[ALC] PURPOSE: The calculator mode will be entered and a "=" prompt will be printed. The calculator will allow addition or subtraction of a series of numbers. The numbers may be hex (designated by a "$" prefix) or decimal. If more than one number is typed, they must be separated by a "-" or "+" and the appropriate result will be displayed. The answer is shown in both hex and decimal. It is possible to enter only one number (hex or decimal), optionally preceded by a unary "+" or "-", followed by a return. The answer will be this number printed in both hex and decimal, thus allowing base conversions. After each calculation, a new "=" prompt will - 15 TSC 6809 Debug Package be output. To exit this mode, type a "return" as a response to the prompt. EXAMPLES: CALC Enter calculator mode =$A+10-1 Add hex A and 10 and subtract 1 $0013 19 The result is printed DEL[AY]= PURPOSE: This will set the simulation delay (the amount of delay after each instruction is executed) to an amount proportional to . The higher the number (max = 255) the longer the delay. A delay of zero will result in the delay being turned off. EXAMPLES: DELAY=100 Set delay to 100 DELAY=0 Disable the delay DEP[TH] PURPOSE: The depth command will print the deepest value of the stack pointers (the lowest memory address at which the stacks were extended during program simulation). To initialize this pointer, it is necessary to set the stack pointers using the SET command. The depth value will be set to the same value as the stack pointer. This command is useful for determining the amount of stack space required by a program. EXAMPLES: DEPTH Print the deepest stack locations E[XIT] PURPOSE: Exit the debug program. Use this command when finished with the Debug Package. EXAMPLES: EXIT Exit the debugger FL[AG][=
] PURPOSE: The Flag register is a 2 byte word at the specified memory location which will be displayed on a REG command or during tracing, as the "F" register. The memory location for the flag will be set to the address specified. If no address is given, the flag register will be disabled. This is useful for tracking flags in memory during program tracing. See the REG command. - 16 TSC 6809 Debug Package EXAMPLES: FLAG=1A85 Set flag register to $1A85 FLAG Disable flag register printout IND=ON or OFF PURPOSE: Used to enable or disable the indirection printout in a register dump (see REG). If IND is ON, the register dump will show two registers called "IX" and "IY" which are the.values contained in the memory locations to which X and Y point, respectively. If this feature is off, the indirection registers will not be displayed. EXAMPLES: IND=ON Turn indirection on IND=OFF Turn it off MA[CH] PURPOSE: The MACH command will print the current status of the simulated machine. Values displayed are for mode (M), trace (T), instruction count trap (I), nest trap (N), stop address (S), interrupt trap (IT), transfer trap (XT), IRQ count (IRQ), FIRQ count (FIRQ), NMI count (NMI), and flag address (F). The description of these appear elsewhere in this manual EXAMPLES: MACH Print the machine status MO[DE]=1 or 0 PURPOSE: The debugger has two modes of operation, mode 0 and mode 1. The system comes up in mode 1. Mode I offers all debug features allowing the simulated program to run approximately 300 times slower than real time. In mode 0, the program will run approximately 200 times slower than real time, but the following features are not supported; nest count checking, all traps, states counting, memory protection, past instruction bookkeeping, and automatic interrupts. Mode 1 should be used most of the time to take full advantage of the debugger. EXAMPLES: MODE=1 Set mode to 1 MO=0 Set mode to 0 - 17 TSC 6809 Debug Package R[EG] PURPOSE: Print the contents of the machine registers. All values are shown in hex. Besides the hardware registers (CC, A, B, DP, X, Y, U, S, and PC), the nest level (N) is displayed (shows how deep in subroutine calls) as well as three optional registers. Two are enabled by the IND command and display the bytes to which the X and Y registers point. These are shown as "IX" and "IY" in the REG dump. The third register is enabled by the FLAG command and will display the selected two bytes of memory. This is shown as "F" in the dump. The instruction to which the program counter points is also disassembled in the dump. EXAMPLES: REG Display all registers R Display all registers RES[ET] PURPOSE: The RESET command is used to reset all machine states. All registers will be set to zero, the stack pointer will be set to $C07F, all breakpoints and memory protection will be cleared, and the mode will be set to 1. This will set up the machine exactly the same as initializing the debugger upon first entry. EXAMPLES: RESET Reset the machine RET PURPOSE: Print the top two items on the stack. If the system is currently in a subroutine, these bytes will represent the return address from this routine. If the nest level is currently zero (N=0), the message "NEST LEVEL IS 0" will be displayed. EXAMPLES: RET Print the return address S[ET], PURPOSE: The SET command is used to set or assign values to registers. The is a list of register names (CC, A, B, DP, X, Y, U, S, P) followed by an equals sign, followed by the hex value. Setting a stack pointer will also set the corresponding depth value to the same value. - 18 TSC 6809 Debug Package EXAMPLES: SET,P=100,A=C3 Set PC to $100 and A to $C3 S B=20 X=1FFF Set B to $20 and X to $1FFF STACK[,] PURPOSE: Print the contents of the system stack. The number of bytes specified by will be printed. If is not specified, the top 12 bytes will be printed. The stack is printed from high address to low address, so the top of stack will be the last item printed. EXAMPLES: STACK Print the top 12 stack bytes STACK,10 Print the top 10 stack bytes STAT[ES] PURPOSE: Display the current value of the states counter. This value represents the number of actual machine cycles (microseconds on a 1 megahertz computer) which have been executed since the last START or RESET command. It is also possible to set this counter to zero using breakpoints. Only states for simulated instructions are counted; real-time and simulation protected routines do not accumulates states. EXAMPLES: STATES Print the current states count TRAIL PURPOSE: Print the address of the last executed instruction which caused a transfer of address (e.g. JMP instruction). This is useful when attempting to find how a program ended up where it did. EXAMPLES: TRAIL Print the last transfer address X, PURPOSE: The X command is only operational on disk systems (see Adaptions). It allows the execution of any DOS command from the debugger. EXAMPLES: X,CAT,1 Catalog drive 1 - 19 TSC 6809 Debug Package III. Memory Commands The memory commands allow examining and altering the contents of memory in a variety of ways. The assembler allows simple, direct insertion of object code by using standard opcode mnemonics and addressing mode designators. The disassembler provides an opposite type of convenience, in that the contents of memory may be displayed as assembler language mnemonics and operands. A single byte memory examine and change function is also available (the MEM command). Commands for viewing large blocks of memory, finding specific hex or ASCII strings, and filling a section of memory with a selected character are all available in this group. A[SM][,
] PURPOSE: Enter the line at a time assembly mode. Assembly will start at the address specified or at the location of the program counter if no address is specified. No labels are permitted. All standard Motorola 6809 instruction mnemonics and addressing modes are accepted; pseudo-ops are not allowed. Memory references to addresses lower than $100 are assembled as direct references unless the address is preceded by a ">", which forces an extended memory reference. In indexed mode, the index register must be preceded by a comma. Instructions of the form LDA X (meaning LDA ,X) are not permitted. The smallest possible offset is generated for indexed mode. Extended addressing and 16-bit indexed offsets may be forced by placing a ">" character as the first character of the operand. Constants, addresses, and offsets may be either decimal or hexadecimal (indicated by a leading "$"). Eight-bit immediate mode constants may also be an ASCII character preceded by a single quote (’). Negative numbers are not allowed. Negative numbers should be entered as hex values; the CALC command can be used to determine the negative of a number. For relative branch and PC relative instructions, the actual target address is specified; the assembler will calculate the offset. EXG, TFR, PSHS, PSHU, PULS, and PULU accept standard register notation. The PC is automatically advanced to the next location after the line is assembled. To exit this mode, type a return in response to the address prompt. EXAMPLES: ASM,100 Start assembly at $100 100 LEAX $110,PCR (X)=Message Address 103 JSR [$F810] Print message 107 LDA #’A Load an ASCII "A" 109 STA 0,Y+ Store it 10B BRA $100 Loop 10D Exit with return - 20 TSC 6809 Debug Package D[IS],, PURPOSE: Disassemble memory between the addresses specified. The address, mnemonic, and addressing mode will be printed out for each instruction in the range. If an illegal opcode is found, four stars (****) will be displayed instead of a mnemonic, followed by the hex value found at that address. EXAMPLES: DIS,100,1A0 Disassemble from 100 to 1A0 DU[MP],
PURPOSE: Dump 256 byte blocks of memory starting at the address specified. The memory is displayed 16 bytes per line, followed by the ASCII values of the hex numbers. After each block is dumped, typing an "F" will move Forward and,display the next 256 bytes, typing a "B" will move Back and display the previous 256 bytes. Typing a "return" will exit this mode. EXAMPLES: DUMP,A00 Dump memory at $A00 FIL[L],,[,] PURPOSE: This command will fill memory with the (hex) specified starting at the first address, filling through the second address. If is not specified, zero will be used. EXAMPLES: FILL,100,300,FF Fill with FF from 100 to 300 FILL,0,100 Clear from 0 to 100 FIN[D],,, PURPOSE: Find the specified string in memory. The search will start at the and continue through the . The address of each location where the string is found will be displayed. The can be entered in one of two ways. The first can be a string of hex digits separated by spaces or commas. The second is an ASCII string preceded by a double quote character. EXAMPLES: FIND,0,60,7E,33,A2 Find the hex value 7E33A2 FIND,0,1000,"TEST Find TEST in memory - 21 TSC 6809 Debug Package M[EM],
PURPOSE: Examine and alter memory. The address specifies the first location to be examined. Upon entering this command, the address specified and its contents will be displayed on a new line. At this time, typing any non-hex printing character will move to the next location and display its contents. Typing a "line feed" will move to the previous location. A carriage return will exit this mode. To change the contents of a location, type the new hex value immediately following the one displayed. After the value, type a space. The new value will be entered and the next memory location will be displayed. It should be noted that it is only necessary to type the number of significant digits and only the last two digits are used. For example, typing a 1 would enter 01, typing 1A2 would enter A2, etc. If only a space is typed (no number) a zero will be entered. Any time a non-hex character is typed (besides a space), the next location will be displayed, leaving the current location unchanged. EXAMPLES: MEM,540 Examine memory at $540 M,200 Examine location $200 IV. Simulation Control This group of commands is used to control the program simulator. Code in RAM or ROM may be simulated. There are several methods of initiating simulation. Programs may be executed with "trace" on or off. While trace is on, each instruction will be displayed prior to its execution, along with the current state of the CPU (all register contents are displayed). Trace provides a very powerful tool for following program flow. Several keyboard commands may be invoked during actual program simulation. These commands allow the speeding up or slowing down of simulation, as well as ways to halt the execution of the program. The PAST command is a powerful bookkeeper which keeps track of where your program has been. G[O] PURPOSE: Start the program executing at the location to which the program counter currently points. No machine values are altered with this command. EXAMPLES: GO Start the simulation at the PC G Does the same thing - 22 TSC 6809 Debug Package J[UMP],
PURPOSE: This command is exactly like GO except execution will begin at the address specified. No machine values are altered with this command, except the program counter which is set to
. EXAMPLES: JUMP,322 Start simulation at $322 J,80 Start simulation at $80 PA[ST][,] PURPOSE: Display the past several instructions executed by the simulated program. If is not specified, the past 255 instructions will be printed (oldest to most recent), otherwise sets the number of instructions to be displayed. Each instruction is shown in a disassembled form, with its address. EXAMPLES: PAST Display the past 255 instructions PAST,10 Display the past 10 instructions SIM[,] PURPOSE: Simulate the number of instructions specified by with the trace disabled. If the count is not specified, one instruction will be executed. Execution starts at the current PC. No machine values are altered prior to simulation. Trace will be reset to its original value following SIM"s termination. EXAMPLES: SIM Simulate one instruction SIM,100 Simulate 100 instructions ST[ART],
PURPOSE: Start program simulation at the specified address. The PC will be set to the address specified, the states counter will be zeroed, and the nest count will be cleared. EXAMPLES: START,1000 Start simulation at $1000 ST,2A Start simulation at $002A - 23 TSC 6809 Debug Package STEP[,] PURPOSE: This command will cause the debugger to enter the "step" mode. The specifies how many instructions should be executed at a time in this mode and defaults to one (single step). Upon entering the STEP command, the system will immediately execute the number of instructions specified by , then print a register dump. The execution will begin at the location pointed to by the P register ( program counter). After the register dump, typing a "space" will cause execution of the next instructions and produce another register dump. Typing a "return" will exit the step mode. Any other character will be ignored. It should be noted that while in the step mode, breakpoints and tracing are inoperable. EXAMPLES: STEP Enter "single step" mode STEP,10 Execute 10 instructions at a time T[RACE]= PURPOSE: Set the trace depth. If value is set to zero, trace mode will be disabled. Setting trace to a non-zero value will enable tracing up to but not including the subroutine nest level indicated by . For example, if TRACE=2 is entered, tracing will occur at nest level 0 and 1 but will be disabled at nest levels of 2 and higher. The nest level is displayed as "N" in a register dump. EXAMPLES: TRACE=255 Enable trace at all levels T=0 Disable trace mode TS[IM][,] PURPOSE: This command is similar to SIM except trace mode is enabled (TRACE=255) and the registers will be dumped after each instruction simulated. The count will default to specified. Trace will be reset to its original value TSIM’s termination. 1 foif notllowing EXAMPLES: TSIM TSIM,20 Trace and simulate 1 instructionTrace 20 instructions - 24 TSC 6809 Debug Package "Control C" PURPOSE: Anytime a program is being simulated, a "control C" will cause the execution to halt and the message " OP HALT AT XXXX" to be displayed at the terminal. This means "Operator Halt" and the XXXX will be replaced by the actual address where the program was halted. "Escape Character" PURPOSE: During program tracing, typing an "escape" will cause the program to pause at the end of the next displayed line. At this time, typing another "escape" will enable the trace to restart, while typing a "return" will return control back to the command entry mode. V. Breakpoints Breakpoints allow the insertion of check points into a program. A breakpoint always has an address associated with it. The address specifies where in the program the breakpoint action should occur. These actions range from printing the machine registers to controlling trace mode. Each breakpoint may also have a pass counter which determines the amount of time until it becomes active, or the amount of time it should remain active. The actions are also dependent on the result of a conditional expression involving a CPU register or memory location. Breakpoints are decoded with the following precedence. If the address of the current PC matches the address of a breakpoint, then the pass count is checked. If the counter is in a state to allow continuing, then the condition is checked (if present). Finally the actions specified for the breakpoint are performed. The other commands in this group allow clearing breakpoints (removing them), printing histogram counter values, printing breakpoint location and type, and clearing histogram counters. B,@
[,][,IF] or B@
[,][,IF] PURPOSE: The B command is used to set breakpoints. These breakpoints are nondestructive in that they do not alter the contents of memory at the breakpoint location. Two forms of the command exist. The first is the general form of the command and allows user definable breakpoint actions. The may be any one or combination of the following: - 25 TSC 6809 Debug Package R...Print register contents T...Trace mode on U...Trace mode off (untrace) Z...Zero the states counter H...Histogram counter M...Print message J...Jump to new address S...Stop simulation The above actions are executed in the order shown. A histogram action causes a counter to be set up such that each time the instruction at the address specified is executed, the counter will be incremented by one. By later requesting a histogram, all of the counters and their associated values will be displayed. The second form of the B command is a special case of the first. In this form, no actions are specified, and they default to S and R (just as if S and R were used in form one). The part of the syntax is optional and acts as a pass counter. The shown in the command description represents either a ">", used to mean "after", and "<" to represent "before". A count preceded by ">" will cause the breakpoint defined on the line to remain inactive until number of times through that address. A count preceded by "<" will cause the breakpoint defined to be active for only the number of times through that address, at which time it will be automatically removed. The in either case must not exceed 32,000. The next part of the syntax is the optional . This allows the breakpoint action to be dependent on some condition. The condition can be the contents of any machine register being equal or not equal to a hex value ("=" and "!=" respectively), or the contents of a specified memory location being zero or not zero. If a register is used, simply state the register name, followed by the relational, followed by the hex value (e.g. A=23, or B!=E2,). The allowable registers are: CC, A, B, DP, X, Y, U, 5, P, and N. To use a memory location, a dollar sign "$" must precede the address. For example, $100=0 would check if the byte at location hex 100 was zero, and $A20!=0 would check if the byte at location hex A20 was not zero. If a memory address is specified, the only allowed value to the right of the relational is zero, and if any other value is used, an error message is issued. NOTE: The conditional part of the breakpoint definition may not be used with H, M, or J action codes. Two of the breakpoint actions require special syntax. These are the M (message) and J (jump) types. The M action is used to print a specified message to the terminal upon execution of the breakpoint. The J action is used to transfer control to another address. The M, J, and H breakpoints are mutually exclusive. Only one of these may appear in a breakpoint command. A breakpoint containing M should have an ASCII string following the (or following the address if no count is specified). This string is the message which will be printed on the terminal each time the instruction is to be executed. Messages should be kept short (under 5 letters if possible). For the J type action, the hex address of the location of transfer should be provided after the field. The examples below - 26 TSC 6809 Debug Package will help clarify the syntax. EXAMPLES: B@100 Stop and print registers at $100 B,SR@100 Same as above B,H@A100 Set histogram at $A100 B,ZR@300 >100 Zero states and print registers after 100 times through $300 B@200,IF A=3C Stop & print registers at $200 only if acc. A = $3C B,M@210,SUB 1 Print message "SUB 1" every time through location $210 B,J@100,1000 Transfer control to location $1000 when reach instruction at $100 B,TZ@400,<25,IF $20=0 For the first 25 times through location $400, turn trace on and zero the states counter, but only if location $20 is zero. BP[,
]] PURPOSE: The BP command is used to print the location of breakpoints and their associated action codes. The two address specifications are used to define the region of memory for checking breakpoints (beginning and ending, respectively). If no addresses are specified, all breakpoints will be listed. If only one address is given, then only the breakpoint at that address will be displayed (if one exists). Only the action codes are listed with each address. EXAMPLES: BP,10-C00 List breakpoints between $10 & $C00 BP List all breakpoints CLB[,
]] PURPOSE: Clear breakpoints in specified memory region. The addresses define the region of memory. If only one address is listed, then only the breakpoint at that location will be cleared. If no addresses are specified, all breakpoints will be cleared. EXAMPLES: CLB Clear all breakpoints CLB,0-100 Clear breakpoints between $0 & $100 CLB,22A Clear breakpoint at $22A - 27 TSC 6809 Debug Package CLH[,
]] PURPOSE: Clear histogram counters in the specified memory region. The addresses define the region of memory. If only one address is listed, then only the histogram counter at that location will be cleared. If no addresses are specified, all counters will be declared. NOTE: This command does not remove the histogram breakpoints, but clears its associated counter to zero in preparation for a new run. EXAMPLES: CLH Clear all histogram counters CLH,25-200 Clear counters between $25 & $200 CLM PURPOSE: Clear all messages in the breakpoint message table (used by the M action code, see the B command). This table is a fixed size and can be filled up. When deleting message type breakpoints using the CLB command, the associated space in the message table does not get freed. It is recommended that whenever all M type breakpoints have been cleared, also use the CLM command. Do not use this command if there are any active M type breakpoints. Their message strings will be destroyed! EXAMPLES: CLM Clear all messages H[IST][,
]] PURPOSE: Print the histogram counter totals for the section of memory specified. The addresses define the region of memory. If only one address is listed then only the counter at that location is displayed. If no addresses are specified, all counter contents will be displayed. Each counter is shown preceded by its address. The counter value shows the number of times the instruction at that address has been executed. EXAMPLES: HIST Display all histogram counters H,0-200 Display counters between 0 & $200 RT[,
] PURPOSE: Start real time program execution (not simulated) at the current PC location. Program execution will halt at the
specified. This is similar to the standard breakpoint most users are familiar with in that memory is actually altered at the address specified (with a JMP instruction). Entering RT without an address will clear any real time breakpoint which may have been - 28 TSC 6809 Debug Package previously entered. This type of breakpoint and program execution is not recommended since no protection or checking is performed. When the program reaches the break address specified, the breakpoint is automatically cleared and the original code restored in memory. ROM may not be breakpointed with this command. IMPORTANT NOTE: When the breakpoint is reached, the debugger will push two bytes on to the system stack as it saves the program registers. Therefore, the system stack must NOT be pointing to data at the location of the breakpoint, and two bytes of stack space MUST be available. The stack is cleaned up once all registers have been saved before return control to the user. EXAMPLES: RT,600 Start at PC, end at $600 RT Clear an existing RT breakpoint VI. Memory Protection The-memory protection commands are a very powerful feature of the program debugger. The PROT command allows selected areas of memory to be write, execute, memory, or simulate protected. Write protected memory will cause a trap on any attempt to write to it. Execute protect will not allow opcodes to be fetched. Memory protect will not permit any type of reference; read, write, or execute. Simulate protect is used to protect sections of code which should not be simulated (executed in real time). It is important that only code called as a subroutine from non-simulate protected memory be contained in the area(s) of memory designated as simulate protected. An example would be to simulate protect the section of memory where a DOS resides. All subroutine calls to the DOS would then be executed in real time. Code which is simulate protected and does not follow this convention will usually cause the CPU to take over the execution of the program resulting in a loss of control. Other commands in this group allow examination of protection bounds, as well as the clearing of protection types. BO[UNDS][,] PURPOSE: Display the bounds of protected memory. Each specified will list all regions of memory protected by that type. may be W, M, X, or S for write, memory, execute, and simulate, respectively. Multiple types may be displayed by listing the types on the command line separated by a comma or space. If no type is specified, all types of protection will be listed. EXAMPLES: BOUNDS Display all memory protection BO,M,X Display memory and execute protection bounds - 29 TSC 6809 Debug Package CLP[,] PURPOSE: Clear all protected regions for a specified type of protection. The is specified by the same letters described in BOUNDS. Only one type may be listed per command line. If type is not specified, all protection will be cleared. EXAMPLES: CLP Clear all protection CLP,X Clear execute protection P[ROT],
], PURPOSE: The PROT command is used to assign protection to a region of memory. The two
specifiers designate the beginning and ending addresses of the selected region. If only one address is specified, only the byte at that location will be protected. The designator may either be M, X, W, or S for memory, execute, write, and simulate protection respectively. Only one type may appear with each address range. Multiple protection may be performed on one line by separating the range-type specifiers by a comma or a space. IMPORTANT NOTE: Simulate protected memory must be entered with a subroutine call. The top two bytes of the stack MUST be a return address. On exit from simulate protected code, the system stack MUST have the same value as when the simulate protected code was entered. EXAMPLES: PROT,0-100,M Memory prot 0-$100 P,100,W,A100-A600,S Write prot $100 and simulate protect $A100-A600 VII. Execution Traps Execution traps allow program stopping on certain general conditions. Several traps are always enabled. These include; trap on illegal opcode and trap on RTS if nest count is zero. The user may enable and disable several other traps. These traps are for interrupt type instructions, transfer of address type instructions, trap on a selected subroutine depth (nest count), an instruction count timeout, and a general "stop" address. - 30 TSC 6809 Debug Package INST= PURPOSE: Set the instruction count timer to the value of count. If set to zero, this trap will be disabled. This timer is used to count the number of simulated instructions. Each time this counter reaches zero, the program will halt and print "IC TIMEOUT AT XXXX", where XXXX is the address where the program stopped, and the counter will be reset to the value at which it started (the value specified by ). EXAMPLES: INST=400 Set counter to 400 INST=0 Disable the intruction counter IT[RAP]=ON or OFF PURPOSE: Turning the ITRAP on will cause the simulator to treat interrupt type instructions similar to illegal opcodes. Any time a RTI, SWI, SWI2, SWI3, SYNC, or CWAI instruction is found, the message "I TRAP AT XXXX" will be displayed. The address of the instruction will be printed in place of the XXXX shown. EXAMPLES: ITRAP=ON Enable the interrupt trap IT=OFF Turn off the trap NC[ST]= PURPOSE: Set the nest trap at the level specified by . The simulator will trap execution if a subroutine call instruction is found which will cause the nest level to equal or exceed that set by NEST. Setting the to zero will disable this trap. EXAMPLES: NEST=6 Set nest trap to level 6 N=0 Disable nest trap STOP=
PURPOSE: The STOP trap is a general "stop at address X" trap. It is useful for trapping returns to monitor type programs or operating systems. The trap is set at the address specified. EXAMPLES: STOP=100 Set stop trap at $100 STOP=E0D0 Set trap at a monitor entry - 31 TSC 6809 Debug Package XFR=ON or OFF PURPOSE: Enabling the XFR trap will cause a trap each time a transfer of address type instruction is found (JMP, BRA, LBRA, LBxx, or Bxx). This is useful for following major program flow. Typing a "G" command after this trap will cause the program to start executing again. EXAMPLES: XFR=ON Enable the transfer trap XFR=OFF Turn the trap off VIII. Interrupt Control FIRQ, NMI, and IRQ type interrupts may be simulated. Two modes of operation are possible. The first is automatic, periodic interrupt generation. This mode allows interrupts to be generated every N instructions. The second allows random interrupt generation from the keyboard. When these keys are typed during program simulation, the appropriate interrupt will be issued. Simulated interrupts advance the nesting level (N) as do subroutine calls. The nesting level is decremented by the RTI instruction. Simulated interrupts, however, will not cause a nest level trap to occur if the nesting limit is exceeded. If a SYNC or CWAI instruction is being simulated, the simulation will stop waiting for an interrupt to occur. If automatic interrupt generation is enabled and the condition codes are set appropriately, simulated execution will resume automatically. If automatic interrupt generation is not selected, a manual simulated interrupt must be entered from the keyboard to continue simulation. A "control C" may be entered to return to command mode while a SYNC or CWAI is waiting for an interrupt; however, restarting simulation with a GO, SIM, TSIM, or JUMP will cause the debugger to continue to wait for an interrupt regardless of where the program counter is pointing. A START command can be used to continue simulation at some other address and will clear the "waiting for interrupt" condition in the debugger. The 6809 Debug Package uses the interrupt vectors at $FFF2-$FFFD to determine the location to which to transfer control when a simulated interrupt is received. In most systems, these will point to routines in the system monitor ROM which, in turn, will give control to some user routine. These interrupt handlers in the system ROM must NOT be simulate protected since they will be entered bn an interrupt, not a subroutine call as is required for simulate protected code. It is possible to patch the Debug Package so that simulated interrupts will not refer to the standard vectors at $FFF2-$FFFD. See the section on "Adapting to Your System" for details. - 32 TSC 6809 Debug Package FIRQ= PURPOSE: Cause an FIRQ type interrupt to be generated every instructions. If is zero, automatic FIRQ interrupts will be turned off. EXAMPLES: FIRQ=1000 Generate FIRQ every 1000 instructions FIRQ=0 Turn off automatic FIRQs IRQ= PURPOSE: Cause an IRQ type interrupt to be generated every instructions. If is set to zero, IRQ interrupts will be turned off. EXAMPLES: IRQ=5000 Generate IRQ every 5000 instructions IRQ=0 Turn off automatic IRQs NMI= PURPOSE: Cause an NMI type interrupt to be generated every instructions. If is zero, automatic NMI interrupts will be turned off. EXAMPLES: NMI=300 Generate NMI every 300 instructions NMI=0 Turn off automatic NMIs "Control F" PURPOSE: Typing a "control F" during program simulation will cause an FIRQ type interrupt to be generated. "Control I" PURPOSE: Typing a "control I" during program simulation will cause an IRQ type interrupt to be generated. "Control N" PURPOSE: Typing a "control N" during program simulation will cause an NMI type interrupt to be generated. - 33 TSC 6809 Debug Package - 34 TSC 6809 Debug Package Command Summary I. General System Control C[ALC] DEL[AY]= DEP[TH] E[XIT] F[LAG][=
] IND=ON or OFF MA[CH] MO[DE]=O or 1 R[EG] RES[ET] RET S[ET], STACK[,] STAT[ES] TRAIL X, II. Memory Commands A[SM][,
] D[IS],, DU[MP],
FIL[L],,[,] FIN[D],,, M[EM],
III. Simulation Control G[O] J[UMP],
PA[ST][,] SIM[,] ST[ART],
STEP[,] T[RACE]= TS[IM][,] - 35 TSC 6809 Debug Package IV. Breakpoints B,@
[,][,IF] B@
[,][,IF] BP[,
]] CLB[,
]] CLH[,
]] CLM H[IST][,
]] RT[,
] V. Memory Protection BO[OUNDS][,] CLP[,] P[ROT],
], VI. Execution Traps INST= IT[RAP]=ON or OFF N[EST]= STOP=
XFR=ON or OFF VII. Interrupt Control FIRQ= IRQ= NMI= - 36 TSC 6809 Debug Package Message Descriptions The following is a list of all Debug generated messages and their respective meanings. WHAT? = This is the general error message reported when an invalid input command has been entered. "STOP" AT = The address set by the STOP trap command has been reached. IC TIMEOUT AT = The number of instructions specified by the INST trap command have been executed. ILLEGAL OPCODE AT = The instruction to which the PC points is an illegal opcode. I TRAP AT = An SWI, SWI2, SWI3, RTI, SYNC, or CWAI instruction has been encountered and the ITRAP command has been used to enable the interrupt trap. LAST XFR FROM = Displayed by request using the TRAIL command. The address gives the location of the last transfer of address type instruction which was executed. SYNTAX ERROR = The command just entered does not follow the syntax rules for that command. EP TRAP AT = An Execution Protect trap at the specified location resulting from an attempt to execute code in execute protected memory. WP TRAP AT = A Write Protect trap at the specified location resulting from an attempt to write into write protected memory. EX-MP TRAP AT = An attempt to execute code residing in memory protected memory has been detected at the specified address. REF-MP TRAP AT = An attempt to reference (read or write) a byte in memory protected memory has been detected at the specified address. SP TRAP AT = A Stack Pointer reference (PSH, JSR, etc.) was attempted in a section of memory which is memory protected. TABLE OVERFLOW = The last command entered caused an internal table to overflow. The command did not get executed. NC TRAP AT = A Nest Count trap occurred as a result of the nest level reaching the level specified in a NEST command. - 37 TSC 6809 Debug Package RTS IN LEVEL 0 AT = An RTS instruction was encountered while the nest level was 0 (no previous call to subroutine had been executed). NEST LEVEL IS 0 = There is no return address on the stack so the RET command can not display an address. XFR TRAP AT = A transfer of address type instruction has been encountered with the transfer trap enabled (from XFR=ON). MON XFR TO = The program being simulated tried to pass control to the monitor address which is used by the EXIT command. OP HALT AT = An operator halt signal (control C character) was detected by the simulator. - 38 TSC 6809 Debug Package Getting Debug Running I. Disk Version The Debug Package loads from address $5500 through $7FFF and uses memory down to $5000 for stack and variable storage. The Debug Package may be executed from FLEX by typing: +++DEBUG A "**" prompt should appear. The program is started through its cold start entry point (location $5500) which initializes all system tables, clears all registers, and clears out breakpoints. If it is necessary to re-enter the debugger after an EXIT command, the program should be entered at location $5503, the warm start entry point. No clearing of values or tables is performed at this entry. Once in the Debug Package, files may be loaded from the disk by using the X command. As an example, to load the file TEST.BIN, type the following: **X,GET,TEST If TEST is found, it will be loaded into memory. It is important that the program being tested and the Debug Package do not overlap in memory. If they do, the RUN utility (supplied on the Debug diskette) may be used to load the Debug Package at some other address. For example, to load the Debug Package at address $3500, type the following: +++RUN 3500 DEBUG The prompt should appear. Note, however, that the coldstart and warmstart entry points will be different if the Debug Package is loaded at some address other than its default load address. The coldstart entry point is at the load address; the warmstart address is 3 locations higher. Be sure to leave $500 bytes free below the Debug Package for stack and variable storage. II. Cassette Version The object code supplied loads from address $5500 through $7FFF and uses memory down to $5000 for stack and variable storage. The tape should be loaded into memory using your monitor system’s load routine. Once loaded, the program to be debugged should be loaded. It is important that the two programs do not overlap in memory. If they do, it will be necessary to move the Debug Package to a location in memory such that the two programs do not conflict. See the section below on "Moving the Debug Package" for more information After all code is resident in memory, start the Debug Package at Location $5500, the cold start entry point. A "**" prompt should appear. The cold start entry initializes all system tables, clears all registers, and clears out breakpoints. If it is necessary to re-enter the Debug Package after an EXIT command, the program should be entered at location $5503, the warm start entry point. No - 39 TSC 6809 Debug Package clearing of values or tables is performed at this entry. Moving the Debug Package The Debug Package is written to be position independent; it may be moved to any location in memory and it will run correctly without modification. The following is an example of a program which moves the Debug Package to another memory location. 8E 5500 LDX #$5500 (X)=OLD ORIGIN 10 8E xxxx LDY # A6 80 TAG LDA ,X+ MOVE BYTE A7 A0 STA ,Y+ 8C 8000 CMPX #$8000 CHECK ADDRESS 25 F7 BLO TAG IF NOT DONE 7E yyyy JMP Insert the appropriate addresses for the "xxxx" and "yyyy". (Note that if you are moving the Debug Package to a higher address, you should start at the high end of the Debug Package and work downward.) After the Debug Package has been moved, the cold start entry point is now at the and the warm start entry point is 3 locations higher. For example, if the Debug Package was moved to $1000, the cold start is at $1000 and the warm start is at $1003. When moving the Debug Package, be sure to leave $500 bytes free below it for stack and variables. (The stack may be moved independently of the Debug Package; see the section on "Adapting to Your System" for details.) - 40 TSC 6809 Debug Package Example of Use The following is an example debug session. It is assumed that the Debug Package is running and the program being tested is resident in memory. The sample program is shown first in its source listing form. Following is the sample debug operation. I. Sample Program Source Listing * * FIND THE MAX & MIN OF DATA LIST * 0100 ORG $0100 * STORAGE LOCATIONS 0100 LARGE RMB 1 LARGEST VALUE 0101 SMALL RMB 1 SMALLEST VALUE 0200 ORG $0200 * PROGRAM STARTS HERE 0200 8E 0225 MINMAX LDX #DATA POINT TO DATA STRING 0203 7F 0100 CLR LARGE PRESET MAX 0206 86 FF LDA #$FF ALSO 0208 B7 0101 STA SMALL PRESET MINIMUM 020B A6 80 LOOP LDA 0,X+ GET DATA ITEM 020D Bl 0100 CMPA LARGE ITEM > LARGE ? 0210 24 03 BCC CONT2 0212 B7 0100 STAA LARGE UPDATE LARGE 0215 Bl 0101 CONT2 CMPA SMALL ITEM < SMALL ? 0218 24 03 BCC CONT3 021A B7 0100 STA LARGE UPDATE SMALL 021D 8C 022D CONT3 CPX #DATEND END OF LIST? 0220 26 E9 BNE LOOP IF NOT, REPEAT 0222 7E CD03 JMP MON RETURN TO MONITOR * DATA LIST 0225 02 36 4C 20 DATA FCB 2,54,76,32,12,87,55,6 0229 0C 57 37 06 022D DATEND EQU * CD03 MON EQU $CD03 MONITOR EQUATE END - 41 TSC 6809 Debug Package II. Sample Debug Session **DIS,200,222 0200 LDX #$0225 0203 CLR $0100 0206 LDA #$FF 0208 STA $0101 020B LDA ,X+ 020D CMPA $0100 0210 BCC $0215 0212 STA $0100 0215 CMPA $0101 0218 BCC $021D 021A STA $0100 021D CMPX #$022D 0220 BNE $020B 0222 JMP $CD03 **PROT,200,22E,W **BOUNDS,W WRITE PROTECTION 0200-022E **R CC=00 A=00 B=00 DP=00 X=0000 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0000 ADCA $B9B9 **START,200 MON XFR TO CD03 **M 100 0100 06 . 0101 FF **SET P=200 **R CC=04 A=06 B=00 DP=00 X=022D Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0200 LDX #$0225 **IND=ON **FLAG=100 **R CC=04 A=06 B=00 DP=00 X=022D Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0200 LDX #$0225 IX=48 IY=B9 F=06FF **TSIM,10 CC=00 A=06 B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0203 CLR $0100 IX=02 IY=B9 F=06FF CC=04 A=06 B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0206 LDA #$FF IX=02 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=08 A=FF B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0208 STA $0101 IX=02 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=08 A=FF B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=O2OB LDA ,X+ IX=02 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=00 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=O2OD CMPA $0100 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=00 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0210 BCC $0215 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=00 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0215 CMPA $0101 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=01 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0218 BCC $021D IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF - 42 TSC 6809 Debug Package CC=01 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=021A STA $0100 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=01 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=021D CMPX #$022D IX=36 IY=B9 F=02FF **B@218 **BP 0218 - SR **G CC=01 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0218 BCC $021D IX=4C IY=B9 F=02FF **TSIM CC=01 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=021A STA $0100 IX=4C IY=B9 F=02FF **ASM,21A 021A STA $101 021D **CLB **START,200 MON XFR TO CD03 **M,100 0100 00 . 0101 02 **TRACE=40 **START,200 CC=00 A=06 B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0203 CLR $0100 IX=02 IY=B9 F=0002 CC=04 A=06 B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0206 LDA #$FF IX=02 IY=B9 F=0002 CC=08 A=FF B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0208 STA $0101 IX=02 IY=B9 F=0002 CC=08 A=FF B=00 DP=00 X=0225 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=020B LDA ,X+ IX=02 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=00 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=020D CMPA $0100 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=00 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0210 BCC $0215 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=00 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0215 CMPA $0101 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=01 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0218 BCC $021D IX 36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=01 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=021A STA $0101 IX=36 IY=B9 F=00FF CC=01 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=O2ID CMPX #$022D IX=36 IY=B9 F=0002 CC=09 A=02 8=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0220 BNE $020B IX=36 IY=B9 F=0002 CC=09 A=02 B=00 DP=00 X=0226 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=020B LDA ,X+ IX=36 IY=B9 F=0002 - 43 TSC 6809 Debug Package CC=01 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=020D CMPA $0100 IX=4C IY=B9 F=0002 CC=00 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0210 BCC $0215 IX=4C IY=B9 F=0002 CC=00 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0215 CMPA $0101 IX=4C IY=B9 F=0002 CC=00 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=0218 BCC $021D IX=4C IY=B9 F=0002 CC=00 A=36 B=00 DP=00 X=0227 Y=0000 S=C07F U=0000 N=00 P=021D CMPX #$022D IX=4C IY=B9 F=0002 OP HALT AT 021D **DIS 20B 210 020B LDA ,X+ 020D CMPA #$0100 0210 BCC $0215 **ASM 210 0210 BLS $215 0212 **T=O **START 200 MON XFR TO CD03 **M 100 0100 57 . 0101 02 **B,H@200 **B,H@20B **B,H@215 **B,H@21D **BP 0200 - H 020B - H 0215 - H 021D - H **START,200 MON XFR TO CD03 **HIST 0200 - 0 020B - 8 0215 - 8 021D - 8 **STATES STATES=00000116 - 44 TSC 6809 Debug Package **DIS 200 223 0200 LDX #$0225 0203 CLR $0100 0206 LDA #$FF 0208 STA $0101 020B LDA ,X+ 020D CMPA $0100 0210 BLS $0215 0212 STA $0100 0215 CMPA $0101 0218 BCC $021D 021A STA $0101 021D CMPX #$022D 0220 BNE $020B 0222 JMP $CD03 **EXIT - 45 TSC 6809 Debug Package - 46 TSC 6809 Debug Package Adapting to Your System The following descriptions may prove helpful in adapting this program to non-standard systems. All I/O and stack references are described below. I. I/O References "Get One Character" at $5510. This jump vector references the standard input character routine in the S-BUG monitor ROM. It is an extended indirect jump through the S-BUG transfer vector. Any input routine may be used as long as it returns the ASCII character in the A accumulator with the parity removed, and preserves the B and X registers. "Put One Character" at $550C. This jump vector references the standard output character routine in the S-BUG monitor ROM. It is an extended indirect jump through the S-BUG transfer vector. Any output routine may be used as long as it outputs the character from the A accumulator, and preserves the B and X registers. "System Monitor" at $5514. This jump vector references the starting entry address of the S-BUG monitor ROM. It is an extended indirect jump through the S-BUG transfer vector. This may be changed to the starting address of your own monitor. This is the address used by the EXIT command. "Check for Input Character" at $5518. This jump vector references the routine which checks for a character having been entered from the keyboard. It is an extended indirect jump through the S-BUG transfer vector. Any check input character routine may be used as long as it returns a "not equal" condition if a character has been entered, does not input the character itself, and preserves the B and X registers. II. I/0 Related Storage BSP at $551C. This byte contains the character which is decoded as the backspace character (currently a Control H, $08). Change as desired. DEL at $551D. This byte contains the character which is decoded as the line cancel character (currently a Control X, $18). Change as desired. BSE at $551E. This byte contains the character which will be echoed after the receipt of a backspace character (currently a Control H, $08). If this character is set to $08, a space will be output preceding the backspace echo character. Setting this byte to zero will inhibit the backspace echo character. ESC at $551F. This byte contains the character which is decoded as the Escape character (currently an ASCII Escape, $1B). This may be changed as desired. - 47 TSC 6809 Debug Package III. Stack Pointer References The stack pointer is normally preset to the origin address of Debug Package. To use a different area for the stack, load the system stack pointer (S register) with the desired stack address and enter the Debug Package at the origin address plus 6 ($5506) for cold start, and at the origin address plus 9 ($5509) for warm start. The Debug Package requires $500 bytes for stack space since it puts all variables and tables on the stack. IV. Interrupt Vectors The Debug Package normally references the hardware interrupt vectors located at $FFF2-$FFFD to determine those addresses to which to transfer control when a simulated interrupt occurs. It is possible to patch the Debug Package to reference other addresses in determining the location of interrupt routines. These patch points contain addresses of locations which, in turn, contain the addresses of the interrupt handling routines. Be sure to preserve this "double indirection" when modifying these patch points. NMI at $5520, default = $FFFC SWI at $5522, default = $FFFA IRQ at $5524, default = $FFF8 FIRQ at $5526, default = $FFF6 SWI2 at $5528, default = $FFF4 SWI3 at $552A, default = $FFF2 V. Saving the Altered Program After modifications have been made to the program, it may be saved on mass storage. The program should be saved from $5500 through $7FFF. The starting or transfer address is $5500. - 48