BAS0935> c' BAS-0935TXT cBASIC935CMD& cOPYCMD cRENUM935CMD  cTEXTTXT c .ln49 .LM30 .ce BASIC 0935 (6809 Business Version 2.0) .sp The following are the changes that vary from the instructions contained in the SWTPC BASIC manual version 3.5. The machine code is optimized for the M6809 but not relocatable. The speed difference between the 6800 version and the 6809 version is about 40\% better on the 6809. BASIC 0935 honors FLEX~ 'End of Memory' pointer. .sp The differences between the SWTPC version and BASIC 0935 version 2.0. is as follows: .sp Double variables such as; AA thru ZZ, a thru z, aa thru zz or Az etc, are valid. These may be DIM'd a$ thru z$ in addition to the normal A$ thru Z$, as string variables. .br .sp +, supported (assuming FLEX on System drive). Example: +RENUM - this would execute the renumber routine supplied with BASIC 0935, from command mode (no line number). This routine will call any ".CMD" program on the disk. In 'statement mode' the + is replace by 'EXEC': .br Example: 100 EXEC TTYSET PS=N. .sp The implied 'LET' is supported but in 'LISTing' it will force a printed 'LET', example: .nf .sp 100 AA = AA+1 .sp is 'LISTed': .sp 100 LET AA = AA+1 .sp .fi RUNUM is a binary renumbering routine that is quite fast. RENUM can be invoked from a command line, a BASIC program to be renumber must be loaded by BASIC first and then call RENUM, example: .sp .nf LOAD .sp READY\# +RENUM (program in memory renumbered) .sp READY\# .sp .fi ERROR \#37 has been added. This indicates that an error occured external to BASIC. All other ERROR numbers are as in the SWTPC manual. .sp AUTO, this command does automatic line number insertion, by 10's, you need enter no line numbers. This and the RENUM command allow complete line number control, by 10's. AUTO should be in voked prior to writing a BASIC program. If AUTO is invoked while a program is in memory it will start at the highest line number plus 10. .sp SET(x,y) and RESET(x,y) statements added to ease implementation of graphics when using an SWTPC CT-82 terminal . Both assume a CT-82 is used on the current control port (as defined by the PORT= statement), and the CT-82 is assumed to be in the graphics mode. SET(x,y) turns on the pixel at horizontal position x, vertical position y. RESET(x,y) turns off the pixe l at horizontal position x, vertical position y. x and y may be constants, variables, or expressions. x should be in the range 0 to 183, y should be in the range 0 to 65. .sp This version will run all SWTPC BASIC programs without modification. It is mo nitor independent, requiring only 09 FLEX~. .sp By changing byte (HEX 14B3) from a 26 to a 20 HEX, either 4 or 16 byte I/O is agreeable with BAS-0935. .sp The I/O has been reconfigured from a Teletype~ configuration to a more conventional - No Parity - 1 Stop Bit - 8 Data Bits. No MPC allowed, PIA or ACIA standard addressing only. .sp PRINT USING - to be included at a later date. .sp ON ERROR, example: .br 100 ON ERROR GOTO 200 .br 200 PRINT "NUMBER OUT OF RANGE = RETYPE" .br 210 GOTO 80 (Thi s would allow going back to original 'INPUT' line). .br You may use PEEK(32) in your error handling routine to determine BASIC's error number thus allowing one error handling routine for several different types of errors. For example: .br 200 LET A=PEEK(32) .br 210 ON A GOTO 300,400,500 .sp The most recent ON ERROR statement encountered by the program is the one used when an error occurs. .sp The ERROROFF statement is used to return to BASIC's built in error handler when desired. When an error occurs after an ON ERROR statement, an implied ERROROFF is executed so that any errors encountered in your error handler will be sent to BASIC's error routine. 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BASIC 0935 honors FLEX~ 'End of Memory' pointer. ,sp The differences between the SWTPC version and BASIC 0935 version 2.0. is as follows: ,sp Double variables such as; AA thru ZZ, a thru z, aa thru zz or Az etc, are valid. These may be DIM'd a$ thru z$ in addition to the normal A$ thru Z$, as string variables. ,sp +, supported (assuming FLEX on System drive). Example: +RENUM - this would execute the renumber routine supplied with BASIC 0935, from command mode (no line number). This routine will call any ".CMD" program on the disk. In 'statement mode' the + is replace by 'EXEC': .br Example: 100 EXEC TTYSET PS=N. ,sp The implied 'LET' is supported but in 'LISTing' it will force a printed 'LET', example: ,sp 100 AA = AA+1 ,sp is 'LISTed': ,sp 100 LET AA = AA+1 ,sp RUNUM is a binary renumbering routine that is quite fast. RENUM can be invoked from a command line, a BASIC program  to be renumber must be loaded by BASIC first and then call RENUM, example: ,sp LOAD ,sp READY# +RENUM (program in memory renumbered) ,sp READY# ,sp ERROR #37 has been added. This indicates that an error occured external  to BASIC. All other ERROR numbers are as in the SWTPC manual. ,sp AUTO, this command does automatic line number insertion, by 10's, you need enter no line numbers. This and the RENUM command allow complete line number control, by 10's. AUTO should be invoked prior to writing a BASIC program. If AUTO is invoked while a program is in memory it will start at the highest line number plus 10. ,sp SET(x,y) and RESET(x,y) statements added to ease implementation of graphics when using an SWTPC CT-82  terminal. Both assume a CT-82 is used on the current control port (as defined by the PORT= statement), and the CT-82 is assumed to be in the graphics mode. SET(x,y) turns on the pixel at horizontal position x, vertical position y. RESET(x,y) turns off  the pixel at horizontal position x, vertical position y. x and y may be constants, variables, or expressions. x should be in the range 0 to 183, y should be in the range 0 to 65. ,sp This version will run all SWTPC BASIC programs without modificatio n. It is monitor independent, requiring only 09 FLEX~. ,sp By changing byte (HEX 14B3) from a 26 to a 20 HEX, either 4 or 16 byte I/O is agreeable with BASIC935. ,sp The I/O has been reconfigured from a Teletype~ configuration to a more conventio nal - No Parity - 1 Stop Bit - 8 Data Bits. No MPC allowed, PIA or ACIA standard addressing only. ,sp ON ERROR, example: ,sp 100 ON ERROR GOTO 200 200 PRINT "NUMBER OUT OF RANGE = RETYPE" 210 GOTO 80 ,sp (This would allow going back to o riginal 'INPUT' line). You may use PEEK(32) in your error handling routine to determine BASIC's error number thus allowing one error handling routine for several different types of errors. For example: ,sp 200 LET A=PEEK(32) 210 ON A GOTO 300,400,500 ,sp The most recent ON ERROR statement encountered by the program is the one used when an error occurs. ,sp The ERROROFF statement is used to return to BASIC's built in error handler when desired. When an error occurs after an ON ERROR statement, an implied ERROROFF is executed so that any errors encountered in your error handler will be sent to BASIC's error routine. ,sp The rest of the commands ara to be found in the SWTPC manual.                                                                                       !!!!!!!!! ! """"""""" " ######### # $$$$$$$$$ $ %%%%%%%%% % &&&&&&&&& & ''''''''' '