Pridnestrovian ruble (RUP) conversion rates as of Sat 24 Dec 2022

official USD is 16.1000 rup
official EUR is 17.1240 rup
official MDL is 0.8092 rup
official UAH is 0.4403 rup
official RUB is 0.2344 rup

APB Online buys USD at 16.3000 and sells at 16.3500
APB Online buys EUR at 16.9000 and sells at 17.7800
APB Online buys MDL at 0.8200 and sells at 0.8900
APB Online buys UAH at 0.3300 and sells at 0.4500
APB Online buys RUB at 0.2010 and sells at 0.2480

USD gap between buy and sell is 0.05 - that is 0.31%
EUR gap between buy and sell is 0.88 - that is 5.14%
MDL gap between buy and sell is 0.07 - that is 8.65%
UAH gap between buy and sell is 0.12 - that is 27.25%
RUB gap between buy and sell is 0.047 - that is 20.05%

USD/RUB costs -0.2 rup - that is -1.24% - for 100 rup you get 101.24 rup
EUR/RUB costs 0.224 rup - that is 1.31% - for 100 rup you get 98.69 rup
MDL/RUB costs -0.0108 rup - that is -1.33% - for 100 rup you get 101.33 rup
UAH/RUB costs 0.1103 rup - that is 25.05% - for 100 rup you get 74.95 rup
RUB/RUB costs 0.0334 rup - that is 14.25% - for 100 rup you get 85.75 rup