Pridnestrovian ruble (RUP) conversion rates as of Fri 26 Apr 2024
official USD is 16.1000 rup official EUR is 17.2141 rup official MDL is 0.8708 rup official UAH is 0.4067 rup official RUB is 0.1740 rup APB Online buys USD at 16.3000 and sells at 16.3500 APB Online buys EUR at 17.3000 and sells at 18.2000 APB Online buys MDL at 0.9000 and sells at 0.9600 APB Online buys UAH at 0.3700 and sells at 0.4700 APB Online buys RUB at 0.1670 and sells at 0.1870 APB Online buys USD/RUB at 90.5000 and sells at 104.5000 APB Online buys EUR/RUB at 95.5000 and sells at 111.5000 APB Online buys RUB/RUP at 0.1670 and sells at 0.1870 USD gap between buy and sell is 0.05 - that is 0.31% EUR gap between buy and sell is 0.9 - that is 5.23% MDL gap between buy and sell is 0.06 - that is 6.89% UAH gap between buy and sell is 0.1 - that is 24.59% RUB gap between buy and sell is 0.02 - that is 11.49% USD/RUB costs -0.2 rup - that is -1.24% - for 100 rup you get 101.24 rup EUR/RUB costs -0.0859 rup - that is -0.50% - for 100 rup you get 100.50 rup MDL/RUB costs -0.0292 rup - that is -3.35% - for 100 rup you get 103.35 rup UAH/RUB costs 0.0367 rup - that is 9.02% - for 100 rup you get 90.98 rup RUB/RUB costs 0.007 rup - that is 4.02% - for 100 rup you get 95.98 rup